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  • 11/21/2024 6:50 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    New Open Pool time in Evergreen!

    Thanks to a lot of volunteer work from CW members, the Wulf Recreation Center in Evergreen is going to start hosting open pool sessions for kayakers on Saturdays!!! It will be open to everyone from 2-3:45pm. It will cost $15/session and CW membership is not required. Pay online (link to come) or in person when you arrive.

    They are doing the rest of 2024 as a trial run and assuming some people show up, they'll likely keep it going in 2025. So please attend on Saturdays starting November 30th  Edit: December 7th!!!


    Please follow the rules so that we continue to have access to pools. The volunteers at CW work really hard to find pools and convince them to let us practice, it would be a shame for someone to ruin it for everyone.

    • Enter directly to the pool deck through the side doors next to the flagpole. 
    • When you arrive, please show proof of payment to the lifeguard on duty if they ask for it (phone screen receipt is fine). If you haven't paid online, walk around to the front desk and pay in person.
    • Please rinse your boat on the pool deck before entering the water.
    • DO NOT SEAL LAUNCH FROM THE TILE! This pool does not have a metal edge but it has a huge flat concrete gutter. Seal launching from the tile will break or rip off tiles and will very quickly make us not invited back. Instead, place your boat sideways in the gutter (or in the water next to the gutter if you want to test your balance!), then get in, then scootch into the water. 
    • The building closes at 4pm so you and your boat must also be out of the building by 4pm. The lifeguards might give you some leeway if you help put the lane lines back at the end of the session.
  • 11/04/2024 8:54 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Hi members, 

    We have at least one person contacting pools about hosting kayak pool sessions.  But nothing on the books yet. Carmody is having construction this year.

    Do you know a pool willing to allow kayaks let us know and we can figure out details.  Best case scenario is the pool just sets aside a time for kayaks and manages signups, CW simply posts information on calendar to drive customers to the pool signup page.

  • 10/10/2024 5:32 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The CW Board of Directors is proposing changes to the club’s bylaws and organizational structure for 2025. 

    CW Proposed Bylaw Changes_10.10.2024.docx

    CW 2025 Proposed Org Structure_10.10.2024.pdf

    The bylaws and 2025 Board of Directors will be voted upon during the annual membership meeting at the fall dinner on 10/24/2024. We will also have a virtual meeting option available for those unable to attend in-person.

    If you have questions or comments on the bylaws, or want to nominate yourself for a board, management, or operational position for 2025, please email Sadie Conrad at

  • 09/17/2024 8:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    CW is seeking proposals for a contractors to provide program services for 5 - 15 hours/ week to support club operations, events, and communications. Reponses are due 10/17/2024. Please review the RFP here.

  • 07/16/2024 10:27 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Colorado Whitewater is looking for new instructors to help teach our pool Intro classes, Learn to Roll Classes, Kids Team, and Training Camp classes!

    You don't need to be a pro-level kayaker to teach, most of our instructors are class III boaters. You just need to be willing to share your love of this sport with other people. We'll teach you the rest.


    • 5 Days of Advanced Instruction with ACA Instructor Trainers
    • Additional optional training classes every year
    • An American Canoe Association certification that you can use to work at any kayak program worldwide
    • Free Swiftwater classes with CW
    • Free Boat-Based Rescue classes with CW
    • Free CPR/First Aid classes with CW
    • Pro Deals (20-60% off) on 100s of brands through Outdoor ProLink and Expert Voice


    Your certification is good for 4 years. All club instructors are expected to teach with the club for at least 3 of those 4 years. The minimum requirements are:

    • Maintain CPR/First Aid certifications
    • Maintain their ACA membership including SEI dues
    • Take annual online SafeSport training
    • Teach at least 4 pool sessions per year (more are available if you want!)
    • Attend Training camp as a Volunteer Instructor
    • Pass a background check

    The Instructor Course

    This year's instructor course is going to happen August 14th-18th on the Upper Colorado River near the Radium Campground. Instructor Candidates must attend all 5 days. The cost to take the class with the club is only $50 as opposed to the retail price of $650 and includes camping at Radium. 

    Reach out to the instructor Trainer Nik White ( with any questions.

    Teach with Colorado Whitewater!

  • 07/07/2024 5:36 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    See calendar for details.

  • 06/16/2024 5:57 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Be sure to checkout the Poudre River weekend details! See calendar of events to register.

  • 06/16/2024 5:55 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Testing blog posts and how they show up on website

  • 09/21/2023 4:35 PM | Anonymous

    Join us THIS SATURDAY 9/23 for a cruise on the scenic Lower Blue (class III). Trip will be lead by Bob Daigler, please contact him to sign up and for details! 

    All participants must be CW members and sign a waiver.
  • 08/29/2023 3:33 PM | Anonymous

    Join us 9/4 for a cruise on Foxton! Bob Daigler is cruise leader, please contact him to register and for further details.

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 Colorado Whitewater is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.  1312 17th St #76767, Denver, CO 80202

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