
Stay informed of news and announcements about the Colorado rivers and community we love.
  • 08/10/2023 9:44 AM | Anonymous

    Join us August 26th for a cruise down Foxton and double your fun with an option to run Waterton after! Bob Daigler will be leading, please reach out to him at to register and for details.

    As with all cruises, all participants must be CW members and sign a waiver.
  • 08/08/2023 11:39 AM | Anonymous

    Join us Aug 19th for a cruise on Fractions on the Arkansas River! Noelle will be leading, please reach out at if you'd like to participate!

    We've also got a cruise on Deckers on the South Platte planned for Aug 20th! Please RSVP with Ryan Ness or Judith Thomas to participate. Note: this cruise is flow dependent.

  • 07/26/2023 9:12 AM | Anonymous

    This cruise has been rescheduled for 8/11 pending flows!

    The cruise will hold if flow is over 450 CFS by noon on Friday and will be canceled by noon Friday if the flow goes below 450. 

    Join us for a cruise on the Lower Blue this Friday 7/28. This is a class III section and requires rope-lowering boats at the put in.

    To register and for info on meeting time/place, please contact cruise leader Tessa at

  • 07/19/2023 10:16 AM | Anonymous

    Join us this Sunday 7/23 for a fun class II cruise on the Deckers section of the South Platte. To sign up and get details, reach out to the cruise leader, Bob Daigler, by text at 303-908-5964.

  • 06/30/2023 10:34 AM | Anonymous

    Due to high flows, the Boulder Creek cruises planned for June were rescheduled for July 11, 13, and 18! Please reach out to Chris to sign up!

    Join us for a cruise on Boulder Creek Town Run! This will be a Class 3 run, and is being led by Chris Zeller. All applicants need to be accomplished Class 2 boaters. Contact Chris for details and to sign up.

  • 06/26/2023 12:53 PM | Anonymous

    Join us Wednesday July 12th for a cruise on Deckers, lead by Hunter Cottrell. Deckers is a scenic and fun class I-II(III) run. To sign up for this cruise, please contact Hunter at
  • 06/21/2023 8:55 AM | Anonymous

    Golden Community Rodeo 2023

    Come have some fun this Wednesday June 21 st at the Golden Community Rodeo. Golden River Sports is the proud sponsor of this event. Everyone is welcome to compete... or come cheer on the kayakers!

    Everyone is welcome to compete, no matter your skill level (sorry, no pros allowed)... or just come cheer on the boaters!

    Photo credit: Mike Berkow Photography

    EVENTS: Freestyle competition is open to all kayakers* of all skill levels. Participants will be grouped to compete in appropriate categories based on their age, gender, and skill level - typically Junior, Beginner, Intermediate, Expert, and Master’s Divisions for both men and women.

    TIME: Registration begins at 5:00pm. Competition starts at 5:30pm.

    LOCATION: Clear Creek Whitewater Park in downtown Golden

    COST: Admission to compete in the rodeo series is free.  However, you must be a current Colorado Whitewater member for insurance purposes. Renew or sign up today or at the event for only $35, which includes entry to all three events and a one-year membership to Colorado Whitewater.

    PRIZES: Awards and giveaways for competitors!

    AFTER PARTY: Join us at the Mountain Toad! ALL are welcome, so go run tunnel 1, Lower, Rigor Mortis, Lower Narrows, or Black Rock and then come to the PARTY!

    For questions about the event or to become a sponsor, contact David Holzman.

    *Must be at least 8 years of age. No pros allowed.

    * Free to all CW members (not a member yet? then join at the event)

    We'd love to see TONS of boaters and spectators at the Rodeo, so please share this!



    Whether it’s kayaks, stand-up-paddleboards, or canoes, Golden River Sports is your one-stop paddle shop on the Front Range. Located in downtown Golden, CO on Washington Ave., GRS is only two blocks from the longest whitewater playpark in the Rockies. If you’re looking for a new boat or just a new drain plug, GRS has you covered on whatever you need. Not only does GRS have a full rental fleet of kayaks, inflatable kayaks (duckies), stand-up-paddleboards, and other various gear but they also offer free demo nights at the Clear Creek Playpark every Thursday when the water level is permitting. With a passionate and knowledgeable staff that’s more than happy to help any style boater, GRS has what you need.

    Golden River Sports
  • 06/12/2023 1:27 PM | Anonymous

    Ryan Ness will be leading a cruise on Foxton July 29th. Foxton is a class III-IV run on the South Platte. If you would like to join or know more, you can reach out to Ryan at

  • 05/23/2023 6:34 PM | Anonymous

    Join us to celebrate the life of Ron Huffmeier

    Ron Huffmeier 

    November 5, 1942 - February 20, 2023

    Join us for movies, photos, music and stories. 

    Thursday May 25, 5:30-7:00PM (visual presentation starts at 5:45)

    Outside, at our home, 4903 Franklin Dr.

    Boulder CO, 80301

    Please let me know if you are coming so that we can plan.


  • 05/17/2023 5:27 PM | Anonymous

    CW Members,

    SAVE THE DATE for our first River Weekend of the 2023 season Friday, June 9 - Sunday, June 11 in the Roaring Fork Valley!  

    Limited camping will be available at Ami's Acres in West Glenwood Springs.  Volunteer lead cruises will be offered on Saturday and Sunday. 

    Registration will be going live and details to follow the week of May 22, so mark your calendars!


    Colorado Whitewater Association 

 Colorado Whitewater is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.  1312 17th St #76767, Denver, CO 80202

©2025 Colorado Whitewater.

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