Why We Need Your Support
Support from individuals and businesses allow Colorado Whitewater to promote paddle sports in the following ways:
* Providing instruction to over 500 people per year - Enables more people to start in the sport
* Train volunteers in safe river skills such as swift water rescue and CPR. - Enables the club to promote safe boating.
* Provide over 30 youths with instruction. CW is looking to expand youth program beyond the Denver area - Promotes the sport among young people and helps them grow into good river citizens as adults.
* Support river conservation activities
As a volunteer organization, we are able to promote the sport of whitewater kayaking for all abilities—from newbies to the more experienced. Your support will help provide our members ACA-certified instructors, allow for discounted swiftwater safety classes, free CPR/First Aid training, and so much more. Without community involvement, some of our programs and services would not exist. Please consider donating to Colorado Whitewater today.
Colorado Whitewater is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization so all donations are tax deductible.