Clear Creek Recreation Center (Idaho Springs)

The Clear Creek Recreation Center in Idaho Springs offers open pool time every Wednesday year round. These are some of the only sessions that continue all summer long.

Sessions are from 5:30-7:15pm and cost $15. You MUST PRE-REGISTER online at this link: Open Pool Registration. Search for the Wednesday you intend to go on that page.


  1. You must pre-register online!!! If no one registers on-line they may not schedule enough lifeguards for the session.
  2. You must pre-register online!!! You can not pay at the front desk!
  3. Enter directly onto the pool deck through the glass doors on the south side of the building.
  4. If there is a hose available, please rinse your boat. Feel free to ask the lifeguard for a hose if you have a dirty boat. 
  5. You must be out of the water by 7:15pm. The door from the locker room to the pool deck closes at 7:30pm and all people and gear must be out the door no later than 7:45pm. No exceptions.
  6. The pool is indoors but their plumbing is not grounded appropriately so no one will be allowed in the pool within 30 minutes of lightning strikes. 


Whitewater Workshop (a Colorado Whitewater partner) offers 1-on-1 roll classes at this pool during this time. Register at

CW members get a discount with a code which can be found in the members area

 Colorado Whitewater is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.  1312 17th St #76767, Denver, CO 80202

©2025 Colorado Whitewater.

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