BaileyFest 2023

  • 09/01/2023
  • 4:00 PM
  • 09/04/2023
  • 1:00 PM
  • 39.385509, -105.438501
  • 100


  • Save $5 by registering early

Registration is closed

It's time for BaileyFest 2023! Since it's Labor Day weekend, we got the land for 3 NIGHTS. No DOGS. Thanks to Denver water, we are expecting to have a bump in flows. We should have roughly 375cfs on Friday and Monday and 415cfs on Saturday and Sunday. While this event servers paddlers looking to run Bailey, there will be groups running Foxton and Deckers. Colorado Whitewater will be running cruises this weekend too, so everyone is welcome!

Here's the itinerary:

Friday afternoon: show up without dogs. We're going to be river left this year. I'll aim to get there around 4PM and the entrance should be marked with a Colorado Whitewater banner. Coordinates: 39.385509, -105.438501. Activities: free keg beer for those that are 21+ provided by the Mountain Toad. Golden River Sports will be offering gift cards to volunteers that help check people in


5PM (ish) Duck Racing! 4Corners Riversports has chipped in prizes and we will be having duck races down the river again this year. Can your inanimate object beat another inanimate object?!? Who knows! But surely if you yell at it more, then it will float FASTER. Winners get that sweet sweet 4CRS swag while the losers will grumble at their stupid slow ducks.

6PM (or whenever he feels like it), Chrispy will be playing live music.

Continue drinking that free keg beer provided by Mountain Toad. There will be food this year! Bring cash for food, but please pack out your trash

Sunday: Boating. No other activities, besides free Lettmann and Select demos (available all days)

Monday: boat then clean up after yourselves and get outta there. Hope you enjoyed yourself and come back next year!

Prices: $30 in advance. Must sign up by Thursday night of the event. $35 at the camp. Kids under 12 are free. If they're a little older but still tagalong non-boating family then we won't discriminate. If you bring a dog, you will be asked to leave with no refunds. If you are responsible for us not being allowed to come back because you brought your fur baby, then we will be pretty upset with you. No refunds, unless the event is canceled


Golden River Sports is offering discounted demos should you want to demo a boat. If you pick up a demo boat on Friday and return it on Monday, they will charge you for 2 days and give you 20% off

4 Corners Riversports: Free shipping to Baileyfest:

Splattypus Imports: Free Lettmann THP, Machete, and paddle demos. Free Select Warrior Demos


Thanks again to Colorado Whitewater, Splattypus Imports, 4Corners Riversports, Golden River Sports, and Mountain Toad for making this happen!

 Colorado Whitewater is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.  1312 17th St #76767, Denver, CO 80202

©2025 Colorado Whitewater.

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