12th Annual South Platte River Clean-Up
on Saturday, April 22nd
We are excited to announce that Colorado Whitewater is hosting the 12th Annual South Platte River Clean-up on Saturday, April 22nd in celebration of Earth Day in Denver, Colorado. This is an all-volunteer event to pick up trash along the South Platte River.
In past years, we have seen over 200 rafters, kayakers, and other participants successfully remove over 2 TONS of garbage from the river corridor. The event has garnered local and regional attention as the best river stewardship event in the Metro area. We anticipate a large turnout as we have partnered with American Whitewater, Confluence Kayaks, and Down River Equipment to present this year’s event. Participating in the Clean-up is a great way to give back to your community and take care of the river that winds its way through the heart of Denver.
When: 4/22/2017
Registration and shuttles: 9 am - 11 am
On the water: Noon – 3 pm
After Party: 4pm - 8 pm at
Confluence Kayaks
2373 15th Street
Denver Co, 80202
Direct link to map
Participants can join by raft, kayak, or other water craft. Please note that rafts and duckies are easier to carry trash. We also encourage people to participate by bike or by foot! If you do not have a ride on a water-craft there will be a very limited amount of available seats on rafts. PLEASE bring a LIFE JACKET!!! Please arrive early and properly dressed (river appropriate life jacket, water shoes) and we will try to find you a ride.
Event Details:
While participating please share your photos #SPRCleanup17
Check in
Meet off South Platte River Dr, just South of Florida Ave. We will have a booth set up by the river. There will be temporary parking available along the road. (Please see map on registration page for specific location)
Registration will be open between 9 am and 10 am! Please check in at the booth and sign the waiver and grab your T-Shirt. T-Shirts will be given out on a first-come first-serve basis. You will also be given your raffle and drink wristbands (Bring your ID).
The put-in is the same location as the check in (South Platte River Dr, just South of Florida Ave). Unload your raft, kayaks, other water-craft, and your passengers at the put in. Once done, please move your vehicle and craft for others to unload.
Stop or Take out at Fishback Landing to unload your trash to the dumpster.
There will be volunteers to help.
Due to construction, all boaters need to take out at Fishback Landing!
Shuttle & Parking Information
PLEASE Car-Pool! Parking WILL be a problem. There are lots of park-and-rides throughout the city. The closest one is at Federal off the W-Line light rail. Use our Facebook event page to find a car-pool buddy!
Complimentary shuttles from 9:00 am-11:00 am will be provided by GeoTours and other volunteers. They will be picking up at Fishback Landing next to Denver Aquarium:
We recommend you to meet up at the put-in off Florida Ave, drop off your gear and friends, then drive down to park your car at the Denver Aquarium, and finally take a shuttle back up.
After Party
Join us for food and beer at Confluence Kayaks with 2 beers per adult provided from Good River Beer from 4-8pm!
***Share your photo’s on Facebook South Platte River Cleanup Event site #SPRCleanup17
We will be meeting at Confluence Kayaks for this year’s after party. The event will be held in the parking lot with a tented area.
Information: Trash bags, trash pick-up sticks, and gloves will be provided.
Last year, we saw over 200 rafters, kayakers, cyclists and pedestrians that successfully removed over 2 TONS of garbage from the river and bike path. The event garnered local and regional media coverage. Please join us this year, and help us clean-up the South Platte River!