Cruise - Saint Vrain Creek North

  • 05/30/2015
  • 9:30 AM
  • N. Saint Vrain Creek
Lyons Outdoor Games is Saturday, May 30th. It would be fun to get a big group of kayakers together to run from CR 80 into Lyons playpark where the festival is taking place. We'll have the Colorado Whitewater booth set up near the playpark so you can hang out there afterwards!

This is a class III+ run and only 6.5 miles. With the floods in 2013, many of the riverbeds and normal rapids have changed. Expect few eddies, fast moving water, lots of rocks and other obstacles. Please be comfortable in class III/IV with a solid roll (let the trip leader know your ability level when signing up). All participants must bring their own equipment.

We'll meet up at 9:30am at the Lyons Playpark before running shuttle. Many of us are camping Friday evening and hanging out at the festival Saturday afternoon/evening. You're welcome to join on that fun, too! 

Contact Jodi Lee to sign up or for more information.

Important CW Cruise Information:
Please remember you are responsible for yourself on the river.  You are also responsible to the group.  Boat within your ability.  Don't take unnecessary risks.  Don't participate in a rescue if you are likely to become another victim.  Cruise Coordinators have the right to deny inclusion on a trip for any reason and they also have the right to request a participant to leave the river for any reason. Conditions change drastically with water level.

Do not show up to a cruise unannounced.  You must contact the cruise leader in advance as trips have participant limits and ability requirements.  If you are not going to make a scheduled event, you MUST let the leader know.  No-shows are inconsiderate.

Cruises and River Weekends are not instructional events.  You should have the skills necessary to safely navigate the section of river to be run.

Only current CW members are allowed to participate in CW events.  Please bring your completed liability waiver to give to the leader for each event. Click here to download the waiver.

Some cruises may be above the ability level for some members and varying water levels can have an impact on the difficulty of the run. Please research the water level and run you are interested in doing. You can find some of this information at the River Levels
webpage on our website.  Published resources include Colorado Rivers & Creeks 2 and Whitewater of the Southern Rockies.  If you are unsure if your ability matches the run at the predicted flow, discuss your boating resume with the trip leader.



 Colorado Whitewater is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.  1312 17th St #76767, Denver, CO 80202

©2025 Colorado Whitewater.

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